A warm message from Mr. Lloyd Kodzanai, Founder/Trustee and Mrs. Kariri, Trust Administration @ Mutare Boys High School Old Boys TRUST:
Greetings fellow Shumbas! We sincerely hope that you and your families are staying safe during this ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. As a group we’ve pledged to continue honouring our mandate to support our beloved MBHS no matter what the circumstances. We hereby would like to report that MBHS Old Boys Association Trustees recently handed over a Cash donation that was used to design and create SARS Covid-19 face masks for MBHS. The donated Face masks are in our School’s Green and Gold School colours and will be given-out to returning students, who will soon be returning on campus to sit for their end of year (2020) examinations. This batch of Face masks totals 510 units. Our Founders/Trustees group has been actively involved in various initiatives to help MBHS Bounce Back and Power forward from this Pandemic! On behalf of all our Old Boys Stakeholders who are scattered all over the World, we are very thankful and proud to support our beloved MBHS via these ongoing initiatives. Such donations always serve a purpose: to give back to our school and to make a lasting impression on the young Shumbas who are still at MBHS. These efforts also create a enduring bond and legacy that we can all be proud of as Students, School and the Old Boys. We pledge to continue working together for the betterment of our beloved school: Mutare Boys High School. We are SHUMBAS FOREVER!!!!!SHUMBA WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!

MBHS Old Boys Trust.
A Special THANK YOU goes out to the HEADMASTER Mr. Gwashu, SDC CHAIRMAN, Mr. Makande, the Founders/Trustee’s group and the MOV Stakeholders for working together to support our students and school.